Friday, October 8, 2010


Architecture can be considered to be the art of creating space. All spaces are delegated specific rolls which are defined by how they are used. It can then be derived that architecture provides a desired service. The nature of this service is defined by the architecture's users, they essentially construct the spaces. It is then architectures responsibility to deal with its users in a manner that will facilitate the reconstruction of spaces within it. Understanding the desires of users (their behaviour, needs, & wants) through data collection and interpretation will allow for the evaluation of an architecture's spaces. Knowing how long users spend in a particular space, how they circulate within an architecture (and between spaces), how they interact with others, and whether it fulfills their criteria can potentially influence how a design is considered; greatly simplifying the designers role when envisioning how a building should be used and making the building more effective/efficient in fulfilling its roll.

My intention then for Experiment 2 is to perform an initial investigation into how people interact within spaces and challenge some basic desires people require from a space. I then intend move on and use the notion of architecture being derived from how it is used to create an architecture that directly reflects how a user is using a space. I will achieve this by spawning a prefab architecture that directly reflects how long the user had spent in that space; the bigger the spawned architecture, the more time was spent in the space within it. I aim to reflect on how certain spaces are used differently by having different type of architecture spawn when different actions are performed. The premise is to demonstrate the potential of visualising the information that can be derived from performing such an investigation and its ability to assess the effectiveness of a building in serving its purpose.


"[Cederic] Price believed that architecture was a service, that it should enable its users to recondition it in relation to their needs and criteria. He also believed that the delaying of spatial decisions in an ever-changing world was vitally important." Neil Spiller, Digital Architecture Now- A Global Survey of Emerging Talent, p. 10

Conversation Theory:- "[Gordon] Pask believed that out knowledge of the world is conditioned by the conversation we have with it and with others. In relation to architecture, the process and re-evaluation that a designer adopts is a second-order cybernetics conversation. Once we understand the process we instigate when designing, it follows that we should then ask whether it is possible to create an architecture machine that might then help us to design" Neil Spiller, Digital Architecture Now- A Global Survey of Emerging Talent, p. 11

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