Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I tried to incorporate my developing understanding of what porosity means into the first experiment. The two terms I use, the harmony and chaos of porosity, are based on my belief that porosity is the understanding of space, people’s movement within space particularly. By harmony I meant to present a scenario of graceful interactions within space (both confined and open). By chaos I imagined a brutal interaction scenario (like Town Hall Station during peak hour) which had a certain force behind it. I also referred to void space. In my understanding of porosity I imagined the places where interactions occur as void space. Since interactions occur in void space and explosions are representative of interactions, I chose to highlight a movement through the structure as a large mass of people would on a train; this was the intent of my fly over of the structure. 

Finally, I chose to call the video Porosity vs. Structure as it is the structure which defines where porosity occurs or doesn't occur.

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